How Wagonex Handles Complaints

Our commitment to you


We treat all  complaints  fairly and consistently, to promptly determine the subject matter of the complaint and what action we need to take especially when they are not happy or feel they have cause for complaint. We take all complaints very seriously and these will be investigated by a suitably competent member of our team. Wherever possible, this responsibility will be allocated to a person who was not directly involved in the matter that is the subject of your complaint. The member of staff will either have the authority to settle your complaint or will have ready access to someone who has the authority.


We decide what remedial action or redress (or both) may be appropriate, taking into account all relevant factors. 


You may contact us during our investigation. If the member of staff handling your complaint is not available, another member of our team will be able to help you.


We will aim to resolve your complaint within three business days after the date we receive it.  


Where you have accepted our response to your complaint within three business days we will send you a summary resolution communication in which we:

  • refer to the fact that you have made a complaint and inform you that we consider the complaint to have been resolved
  • tell you that if you subsequently decide that you are dissatisfied with the resolution of the complaint you may be able to refer the complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS)
  • indicate whether or not we consent to waive the usual six-month time limit for referral to the FOS
  • provide the website address of the FOS and refer to the availability of further information on the website of the FOS. 


If we are unable to resolve your complaint within three business days, we will send you a written acknowledgement of your complaint within five business days, giving you the name or job title of the individual handling the complaint together with a link to these complaint handling procedures.


If your complaint is about another party - for example, one of our suppliers - we will forward the details of your complaint on to the third party, and confirm in writing to you that we have done this. We will also provide you with contact details of the third party to whom your complaint has been passed.


We will take appropriate steps to keep you informed of the progress of the measures we are taking to resolve the complaint. 


By the end of eight weeks after receipt of your complaint, we will send you:




A final response which:

(a) accepts your complaint and, where appropriate, offers redress or remedial action; or

(b) offers redress or remedial action without accepting the complaint; or

(c) rejects the complaint and gives reasons for doing so

We will also 

(d) a link to the FOS's standard explanatory leaflet, and inform you that if you remain dissatisfied with our response, you may now refer your complaint to the FOS. We will also indicate whether or not we consent to waive the usual six month time limit for referral to the FOS.




A response which:

(a) explains that we are still not in a position to make a final response, giving reasons for the delay and indicating when we expect to be able to provide a final response

(b) informs you that you may refer your complaint to the FOS if you are dissatisfied with the delay, encloses a copy of the FOS's explanatory leaflet with contact details and indicates whether or not we consent to waive the usual time limits for referral to the FOS.


Ending the complaint


You may accept our response and/or withdraw your complaint at any time during this process, even if we have not yet issued a final response. We ask that you confirm this is writing.


How to Complain: 

You can send us a complaint by emailing, by calling us on 020 300 20976, or in writing, our address is: Tramshed Tech, Pendyris Street, Cardiff, CF11 6BH.

If we cannot resolve your complaint:


Our final response email or letter will inform  you that if you remain dissatisfied with the outcome and our response,  you may refer the matter to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). The usual time limit for referrals to the FOS is six months from the date we issue our final response. 


The Financial Ombudsman may be contacted by:

telephone 0300 123 9 123 or 0800 023 4567
Monday to Friday – 8am to 8pm; Saturday – 9am to 1pm

Post: Harbour Exchange Square, London E14 9SR

Further information is available regarding the FOS at Web:


If the matter to which your complaint relates is the responsibility of another firm (for example an insurance company), we will pass details to them, in writing, within five business days of receipt of your complaint and write to you to advise you of this. 

Toby Kernon


CEO & Founder


Reviewed: October 2022


This policy will be reviewed on a regular basis to evaluate continued relevance.

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